Tuesday, November 1, 2016


So much history in this place! Next up was a trip to Europe. I visited many sites but the most interesting were probably, the Colosseum in Rome, Italy and  the Parthenon in Athens Greece. Built in 70 A.D. the Colosseum was built for the entertainment of the Roman people. The Colosseum was used to host gladiator fights where gladiators, condemned criminals, animals or other gladiators entertained the crowds with fights to the death. The Colosseum was also built with a great deal of tunnels underneath it to house these gladiators and animals until the fights, and also with seating for 50,000 so everyone could come see the gruesome show.


Athens, Greece was a blast! Everything was very cool but the Parthenon was hard to beat. At 45ft and weighing in at 22,000lbs this was the most massive marble temple ever in that time. It sat atop the acropolis with a giant statue of Athena, after which Athens was named, standing inside watching and guarding her city. I also found out that this Greek architecture was used as the basis for some very important buildings of today.

Image result for white houseImage result for parthenon over athens

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